My full name is Emau's Caspian the Navigator. I'm named in honor of Prince Caspian. We both have an adventurous spirit.
On July 15, 2000 I was born in Lousia, Virginia. Until I moved to Redmond, Washington I was cared for by Melanie Morgan at the Emau Cattery. The above photo was taken there when I was 2 weeks old. My mom, Khepri, insisted on raising us in Melanie's bed. There were six kittens in my litter. Four were spotted. I am one of the two classic kittens in that litter. The classic tabby pattern is caused by a recessive gene so it is not common. You can read about different coat colors and patterns, including mine, at
Much of my day is spent watching TV, looking through windows and playing with my toys. I sleep a lot, too, but my owner rarely sees that side of me. When she comes home from work all I want to do is follow her around and play with her. After I'm worn out, I'll curl up in her lap and relax while she massages my paws.
If you'd like to send me email, please send it to
Me-ooowr, Caspian
My Interests Are:
Web Sites I like:
Declan MacDega
Egyptian Mau Breeders' and Fanciers' Club
Egyptian Mau: FBRL Breed Page
Prince Caspian of Narnia